Quest for Fulfillment: Studies from the Book of John


Quest for Fulfillment: Studies from the Book of John is a 23-week study on "the beloved" disciple's account of the life of Christ. John's unique Gospel combines the miracles and teachings of Jesus in such a way that draws the reader into a deep and personally fulfilling relationship with Him. Topics addressed in this series include "Discovering Our Uniqueness," "The Transformation We Seek," "Free from the Inside Out," and "Overcoming Insecurity."

Quest for Fulfillment: Studies from the Book of John is available from our store here.

Table of Contents

Part I - Public Ministry

 LessonBuilding on the Basics
1Light in a Dark WorldThe Light We Need
2The First DisciplesDiscovering Our Uniqueness
3At a Wedding & in the TempleThe Transformation We Seek
4Nicodemus and the New BirthFree from the Inside Out
5Jesus in SamariaFully Known and Fully Loved
6Trip to JerusalemGuarding Against Pride
7Feeding Five ThousandProvision for Body & Soul
8Jesus the Bread of LifeSatisfying the Hunger of the Heart
9At the Feast of TabernaclesUnderstanding Perfect Timing
10Christ Confirms His TeachingThe Importance of Compassion
11More Public DebateStanding on the Side of Truth I
12Healing of a Man Born BlindStanding on the Side of Truth II
13Jesus the Good ShepherdOvercoming Insecurity
14Lazarus Raised from the DeadThe Ultimate Fulfillment
15The Close of Public MinistryThe Right Focus

Part II - Private Ministry to the Disciples

 LessonBuilding on the Basics
16The Last Supper BeginsMore on Giving Living
17Jesus Comforts His DisciplesPeace that Passes Understanding
18More Teaching on DiscipleshipPower to Live By
19Jesus’ FarewellThe Fulfillment of Prayer
20Arrest, Trial & Crucifixion(no Building on the Basics)
21The ResurrectionAbsolute Assurance
22"Feed My Sheep"Ongoing Fulfillment