Choices That Matter: Studies from the Life of David


Choices That Matter: Studies from the Life of David is a 24-week series from I & II Samuel that spans the life of David with its triumphs and failures and extraordinary passion for God. The topical studies in this series include many Davidic Psalms and cover subjects such as "Turning Sorrow into Joy," "Decision-making Under Stress," "Self-Worth That Matters," and three lessons on "Dealing with Family Heartache."

Table of Contents

Part I - Samuel, Saul and David

 LessonBuilding on the Basics
1Hannah's StoryTurning Sorrow into Joy
2Samuel & Eli's SonsMaking Wise Choices
3The Ark & The PhilistinesSuperstition vs. Faith I
4Israel Demands a KingWinning the Battles
5Saul Anointed, Samuel's FarewellGod, the Model Parent
6Saul's UnfaithfulnessDecision-Making Under Stress
7David's Secret AnointingSelf-Worth that Matters
8David and GoliathWeapons Against Fear
9Saul Attacks DavidVictory over Jealousy
10Jonathan and DavidThe Gift of Friendship
11Events at NobOvercoming Selfishness
12David Pursued by SaulBenefits of Forgiveness
13Nabal and AbigailDealing with Hostility
14David Spares Saul's LifeLetting God be God

Part II - David the King

 LessonBuilding on the Basics
15David Retrieves the ArkSuperstition vs. Faith II
16God's Covenant with DavidFollowing God's Best Plan
17Mephibosheth's StoryKeeping Promises
18David and BathshebaOvercoming Temptation
19Amnon, Tamar & AbsalomDealing with Family Heartache I: Disappointment and Discouragement
20Absalom's ConspiracyDealing with Family Heartache II: Rejection
21David Grieves a Son's DeathDealing with Family Heartache III: Losses
22Temple PlansSecurity for Life
23David's Final WordsPhilosophy for Life